Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Waiting for November...

Yesterday, March 13, 2012 was quite possibly one of the greatest days of my life. I got to see my baby for the first time. That feeling has no words to describe it. Though it was only a tiny dot, the size of a blueberry maybe, it had a heart beat. A good one...strong. THAT means, that "thing" growing inside my belly is alive. It is part me, and part by husband.

I could not take my eyes off the monitor. The technician couldn't find anything at first, and I panicked, but then there it was...

You know, I don't understand how people can consciously say there isn't a God. Being pregnant has really made me think about this...

2 things, from separate bodies, a sperm and an egg meet. And it starts this radically growing every changing organism that forms a brain, heart, liver, kidney, bones, legs, arms, etc... It has a heartbeat before anything...and that to me is miraculous!

This made it all seem so real...that there really is a little baby growing inside me. It will continue to grow, and one day be ready for the world, and it will depend on me and Chris to take care of it. Not just the normal stuff, but provide food, shelter, love, stability, guidance, advice, and opportunities. This child's life will soley depend on us...and that is a humbling thought.

I am so blessed that God trusts in my enough to carry this baby. For the moment it was conceived, it was not ours but Gods, and we will spend the rest of our lives trying to show him or her that. I am sure every parent says this, but there is no baby in the world that will be loved more than this one.

My due date is now November 5th. I suppose I'm partial to November, since that is my birthday month, and I most certainly wouldn't mind sharing it with my child. November 6th also happens to be my grandfathers birthday, and he said he would just be tickled if it waited for that day to enter the world.

Now the waiting begins...waiting for the next appointment, waiting for the next ultrasound, waiting to find out if it is a girl or boy, waiting for the day he/she will come into this world, waiting to be a parent...

Waiting for November...

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